Friday 2 May 2014



The congress basically a creation of westernised INDIANS of yester years has so far successfully won the confidence of a sizable public to be able to rule the nation through a constitution created by them. People with differences of opinion then and now despite several attempts in different combinations have not been able to change the underlying trust in CONGRESS.


India is a pluralistic society. Indians are growing in number.The young majority considers the elderly minority an obsolete lot .The division on the lines of  proportionate modernity is clear.with no single leader in command throughout the length and breadth  of the indian territory indians fail to understand as to what really is their national interest and in what way they can contribute towards that goal.Ism concept takes the last place in this struggle for administrative control and the administrative machinery which is subservient to the political supremacy created by those vested interests in the form of quotas in administration and  political representation which leads to conflict between masters and subordinates in administration resulting in sycophancy, arrogance and administrative stalemate which today we call deficit in administration.
Deterioration of Indian polity is probably because of the creation of the union by the same leadership who struggled for independence and no separate political exercise was carried out to cross check the suitability of the framework.The thinking of AZAD HIND FOUZ,THE ASPIRATIONS OF THE HINDU OUTFITS,AND THE POLICY OF APPEASEMENT in the name of secularism were not considered vital for the Indian economic independence .
        Even today the protagonists of economic rationalization are easily dubbed communal and the corrupt power brokers despite their all round failure are likely to continue at the helm of the affairs of the state with  visible signs of dynastic rule which may eventually end by ascendance of bachelors only governments.
To that extent likes of MAMATA,MAYA,NAVEEN,JAYA may join the RAHUL band wagon discarding NARENDRA MODI in view of DIGVIJAY'S discovery that MODI in actuality is a married man and Mrs gandhi may not find it difficult to find out another bachelor in congress if the most eligible bachelor shows his reluctance to foot the bill.

Sunday 16 March 2014


How much the politicians can stoop? To the level of deceiving their political preachings?How meticulously they plan the people's agenda for non governance in the name of  their declared agenda for good governance to win the elections which has become a ritual like many other religious rituals indians follow.

I hold a highly biased opinion that THE INDIAN AAM  AADMI does not relish governance at all.He is interested in charity ,compensation, recognition,leisure
and entertainment at his own cost.But the KHAAS AADMI (the politicians,the bureaucrats and the the clergy) want others to pay for it.Political exercise for governance has therefore become a ritual to elect the required number of representatives in such a way that no combination becomes so powerful to actually govern and concentrate on issues of development.

The constitution of India an extension of the the British Constitution prepared by British educated Indians, amended from time to time as per the requirement of political parties is not capable of taking care of the issues of governance for development or administration.It has become an instrument for keeping the country united by vested but powerful groups in the name of united india.No organization created under the constitution is actually functioning in the manner it is desired and adhocism has become the reality.

Was India created as an ad hoc arrangement of divergent political entities or it was an attempt to bring divergent forces to live together,work towards a common goal of peaceful living and manage itself in modern accepted methods?Contemporary nations like pakistan,israel,china have their own methods of governance.They are not comparable with India.India has developed its own belief systems.It has its own unique challenges.Mere propaganda that we are a great nation capable of solving our problems in our own way may not be sustainable.

The euphoria that goes with creation of a new nation died with lunching of the constitution of India.Soon it was realised that India was never unitary.Different politico-economic groups started pressing for their share of prosperity which were met by confiscations,nationalisations,borrowings and manipulations.An economist will be in a better position to analyse the nitty gritties of economic crisis the nation is likely to face in days to come.Smaller countries in europe have already been exposed to their economic bankruptcy and are living on borrowed time.India's position is no different.It is committed to economic reforms,the other name of starvation,it is not capable of controlling the population,it is not capable of utilising the best of brains for economic returns,it is not capable of checking migration of the best (physically and mentally) from villages to cities and abroad for a living with the clear intention never to return.Only the old,the invalid and the one who could not leave for some other reason are left in villages living on alms like ONE RUPEE RICE A kg.


Do the people of India individually and severally ever think of the reality of JAATOPI DUKHA,ZARAPI DUKHA, VYADHIPI DUKHA,MARANAPI DUKHAM looming large in their own mind?The reality of this BUDDHA TEACHING might have been interpreted in a different context then but today it has become necessary to look at it in its proper perspective which the Indians refuse to accept for their fun of living in a situation of no governance which is not just sustainable.

India has seen experimental coalition governments which have left behind trails of coalition of vested interests which BABA RAMDEV jocularly calls the coalition of vested interests(BE-IMAAN-O KA GATHA- BANDHAN). We are leading towards  electing another indecisive lower house of parliament.Both the important political parties are hoping for somehow reaching the magic number of 272.They are under compulsion of proving their existence but the Indian voter it appears desires the luxury of enjoying a situation of no governance either at work or on the road and talk of deficit in governance loudly from the top of the roof.  

Saturday 15 March 2014



Voting together for matters of national importance is not un common in India. In fact this is an indication of our democratic behavior. Does THE DIVISION OF ANDHRA PRADESH in closed parliament fall into the category of our political prudence?  The records of parliament will always be there for future political pundits to ponder .Let us take it as an issue of national governance since both the national parties namely the bharatiy janata party and the congress have accepted the method of settling the issue.
Every step taken by the political parties are observed by people and they derive their own conclusions. immediately  after elections'2004 to loksabha Sonia Gandhi then badly in need of allies sought cooperation of TSR to form a coalition of like minded parties  at the center. The so called secular parties joined the coalition in the name of keeping the communal elements out in the name of saving the country. The power seeking elements were unaware of their bargaining power and strengthened Sonia's position  to the extent that she retained the virtual power of the country and made  Dr.MAN MOHAN SINGH the prime minister. thus she isolated many stalwarts in her own party and in her coalition for all time to come. Dr, man mohan singh an eminent economist despite his weak political stature worked whole heartedly duly supported by his cabinet colleagues leaving political management to Sonia Gandhi. since then Sonia Gandhi is running the country at her will through progressive economic measures through her nominee prime minister and the spineless members of his cabinet and a captive party at her disposal amidst competitive sycophants waiting at the door to join the bandwagon any time on any issue. sonia gandhi  has successfully made India an Italy of the east and almost all political outfits barring the BJP and LEFT are competing with each other to be nearer to her loosing to some extent the ideology if any for which they were there.



A deliberate attempt is made to make people believe that the coal scam is a matter of the past and there is nothing to elaborate. the whole focus has again been shifted to the much publicized sacrifice of the AAM ADMI PARTY. The media controlling politics for some time now has again started focusing on irreverent issues to put in back burner the issue of bringing back black money parked in foreign banks. they are more interested in their own business rather than discussing the issues affecting the nation. the attempt is more on covering up  dark deeds of the ten year old UNITED PROGRESIVE ALLIANCE than on highlighting the issues requiring immediate attention like price rise, fiscal deficit political fragmentation aimed at supremacy of the regional satraps which suits the in disciplined work force who at any cost does not want a working government. the working  class is also led by people who are hand in glove with the authorities in whichever field they are. The gradual alienation of leftist work force from their leadership ,increase in workforce in private sector like IT ,ITES, contractual or outsourced work force in sales and services have also contributed to increase in unprotected workforce, stagnation in employment and increase in disguised unemployment which may explode any time and there is no machinery to combat the situation in case of any such eventuality. Attempts to keep people in rural areas through doles instead of creating appropriate infrastructure to keep them engaged has its own limitations. Indians only have to think of India and any delay in correcting the ongoing regionalism ,greed for power and attempt to grab it any way may be too late to be corrected.



Mr. Arvind kejariwal has resigned as chief minister of Delhi on 14.02.2014 to continue his fight against corruption. He has preferred to give up power for per suing the larger issue of  getting the   janlokpal bill passed . he could still pursue the bill as neither he was removed from power nor there was any demand for his resignation. In fact both the political parties who opposed tabling the bill in the assembly in view of the written communication from the lieutenant governor of Delhi to the speaker not to allow introduction of the bill as it will violation of the laid down procedure under law. The   most important statement he made outside assembly in a gathering of his supporters was that the CONGRESS and the BHARATIYA JANATA  PARTY opposed introduction of the bill because of their vested interest .
Though Mr. kejariwal's opinion on the central law are well-known he had no where in the past attempted to place or debate on an alternate bill with thin the frame work of the constitution and solicit support to get the same enacted. 



In Indian politics it appears veteran Anna Hazare and the yoga guru are in opposite camps working in two different directions. There is a bit of confusion in the minds of the otherwise politically conscious common man and those who  propagate this theory to keep themselves in the business of opinion makers. The issues have already been decided some three years back when both the non political stalwarts decided their own agenda of :

1.Jan-lokapal bill to cleanse political and administrative machinery,
2.The  demand for bringing back black money parked abroad in secret  accounts of foreign banks.

The political Agenda set by LALKRUSHNA ADVANI after NDA defeat in 2004 and formation of UPA 1 to pursue exclusion of tainted " DAGI" ministers" MANTRI" from the union cabinet was a non starter except for the removal of Shibu soren because of legal problems.

The congress on return to power in 2009 elections did not felt the necessity of having a common minimum agenda for governance because of unsolicited support from regional parties like samajbadi prty, bahujan samaj party,rastriya janta dal and so on. Finding opposition strength diminishing and five long years at their disposal congress ministers and the allies of UPA 11 started behaving in an abnormal manner giving rise to non political forces like baba ram dev and anna hazare and the combination of political combination virtually disintegrated leaving congress the responsibility of handling the hostile political situation which multiplied by the day.

Despite this the UPA did not bother to take corrective steps to bring about meaningful governance ,it divided the nonpolitical forces headed by baba ram dev and anna hajare and created a new political force AAPat its own cost leading to the formation of Delhi government and baba ram dev a force to be reckoned joined hands with BJP the only opposition worth taking seriously . Congress  support to AAP is just an eye wash. The reality is one is AAM ADMI and the other FOR AAM ADMI this arrangement will continue till 2014 parliamentary elections are over. 2014 Lok sabha elections will confuse the forces who are attempting to confuse the people now.

Sunday 9 March 2014



India is a poor man's paradise because of the of the favourable geological climate bestowed upon it by nature.In india one can carry on without a cloth on his body which is not the case with many other habitations in the world. Unfortunately Indians are mocked at by others, including certain indians,for their half naked appearance despite national respect for the so called half naked GANDHI who moved half naked everywhere. He was at ease being half naked as many other Indians are. Modern spinning mills and sophisticated dressing sense is of recent origin say a couple of centuries like that of the invention of atom bomb a little more than half a century. The invention of spinning mill and the atom bomb empowered the west to prescribe decency and safety parameters in their own way for the rest of the world.Use of atomic power to control the world was short lived as atomic power was developed in a clandestine manner by many other nations and anti nationals leaving the super powers helpless against something which made them so powerful for a while but ultimately leading to the talk of CTBT.

In the meantime development of communication technology aided by mass education and mass media substituted threat by persuasion in maintaining world order by advanced countries who have on their own taken over the responsibility of maintaining the world order as per their choice .They do talk of people power,people empowerment and believe any work done for empowerment of people through persuasion is good for the society and for mankind.But it is deceitful. Media power can equally be misused like atomic power till such time the half naked men struggles for earning a living for himself and his family and to that extent the half naked indian is susceptible to the lure of luxury electronic media provides through well researched entertaining programs. There exists a possibility of the youth spending more time in media engagement than on other aspects of life.The media can be highly manipulative and unscrupulous media baron through hired literates can foot the bill like poets in court composing poems in praise of the hereditary monarchs irrespective of their competency.
Today every political party has a spokes person and/or media manager to keep the people informed of the future plans of the party for the welfare of the nation.Of late party interest is confused as national interest and the poor spokesperson is equally confused.further more the media baron being in media business is primarily a businessmen and at times deviates from the morality involved in business leaving himself exposed to manipulation by an entity other than that of a party spokes- person which absolves the party from such tactics and there are people readily available for such job for a fee either in cash or for an assurance of favour.The party spokes person had the responsibility of protecting the interest of the party and it's reputation as well but the outsourced agency is doing the job for a fee making it more independent in implementing the strategy with immunity.Mr.Digvijay singh then congress spokesperson concentrated on the issue of communalism full time which is  now shared by the congress president and the vice president as well.They, the congress stalwarts, could have wholly covered the issue of corruption despite 2G,3G,COAL GATE,DEFICIT IN GOVERNANCE and the like but keeping in tune with the modern trend of outsourcing they have successfully out sourced the highly specialised job of  condemnation of corruption and deficit in governance in gujarat.The outsourced agency is doing its job well with active manipulation through the media. Will the Indian voter be able to relish the media recipe. 

Friday 7 March 2014



Political alignments after declaration of of elections to the lok sabha has taken a definite shape for power sharing at the center.Indians have now got the option of choosing from among the following interest groups formed pre-elections.
1.The group headed by the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS , as estimated by political surveys, is likely to get 85/90 seats in the lower house.
2.The group headed by the BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY may get 200/215 seats.
3.The group formed by other parties of some substance like the SAMAJWADI PARTY,THE UNITED JANATA DAL,THE BIJU JANATA DAL,THE ASSAM GANA PARISAD ,THE FOUR LEFT PARTIES and few other smaller regional parties in guise of an alternative to the so called corrupt congress led alliance and the communal bharatiya janata party led alliance are likely to get 100/110 seats.The understanding among this group members is limited to the elections to avoid split  in the vote against the  so called corrupt/communal forces. 
4.Despite best efforts by the stalwarts in Indian political arena none of the the three  political groups could rope in some important parties who decided to contest the elections on their own and decide their further move/s issue based.the prominent among them are THE ALL INDIA ANNA DRAVIDA MUNETRA KAZAGAM ,THE TRINAMOOL CONGRESS,THE BAHUJAN SAMAJ PARTY.In the current political scenario these parties have become the 
 bargaining strength of their leader's interest which include but not limited to the post of the prime minister after formation of the new lok sabha.These three parties put together are likely to get 60/65 seats in the comming lok sabha.     
       Apart from the above smaller local/regional parties numbering about thirty  will be represented in the house to the tune of 40/50 seats in addition to about 15 individuals likely to be sent to the lok sabha as independents.

India is a nation of lethargic people accustomed to non performance since time immemorial.Our mythology as well history is full of descriptions how we have in the past lived with a little and had meekly submitted to the foreigners
or were lured by them to surrender in parts whether it were the MUGALS,THE BRITISH or the present day INTERNATIONAL dispensations.
 It appears India is destined to be governed by the foreign hands,the likes of the  IMF,THE WORLD BANK and FDI when our capitalists are putting their money abroad.
It won't be surprising if the next government at the center is controlled by a party with 15% of the seats in the lok sabha and 25% of popular votes keeping 75% people out of the process of governance.       

Tuesday 18 February 2014

prepareing for the final hustling

on 17/02/2014 loksabha passed the interim budget pending elections to the loksabha. this is routine exercise with limited powers and the event went off without any controversy. both the opposition and the government are on level playing fields now. political parties will have enough time to finalize their candidates for the seats they intend to contest. since elections are likely to be contested mostly on pre election  alliances multiple parleys for alliances will be held among likely partners. the combinations are likely on the basis of win ability rather than issue based.

India to some extent has accepted the issue of governance as one of the most important points for debate during electioneering .In India if a party or combination of pre election partners repeat  electoral performance it is construed as an endorsement of   the initiative taken by the party and the people have given them another opportunity to  continue their mission. on this count the states of Jammu Kashmir, Punjab, Rajstan,Gujrat, Goa, Madhya pradesh,chhatisgarh,kerala, Tamilnadu.Orissa,westbengal,Assam Meghalaya,tripura, Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram,Arunachala Pradesh, and himachal Pradesh are likely to vote for the ruling parties in the respective states. Maharastra  for bad governance, Andhra Pradesh due to central interference to divide the state without a consensus among  interest groups, Bihar due to split in the ruling combination and paswan factor,Uttarpradesh,uttarakhand and Jharkhand due to resurgence of BJP, Karnataka due to realignment of political forces, Haryana due to recent elections of neighbors and Delhi due presidents' rule are likely to vote for parties other than the parties in power in the respective states.
A pre election alliance of eleven political parties namely the four leftist parties, the united janata dal the all india anna dravid munetra kazagam ,the biju janata dal,janata dal(s),the samajbadi paty,assam gana parisad was formed on25th feb. political outfits like the bahujan samaj party, the trinamula congress,the aam adami party,are away from any combination.
the Lok jan party headed by ram vilas paswan has become an ally of BJP (the lok jan party did not have any representation in the out going lok sabha) and to that extent it has affected bihar politics seriously.It is also an indication of somewhat confusion in sonia gandhi's camp or their failure to manipulate electoral combinations. This is the first incident after ramlila maidan-baba ram dev crush through police power that a dalit has decided to be in the camp of sonia gandhi's maut ka soudagar.Anna hazare like binoba babhe is observing his MOUN on many issues facing the nation and compigning for another sonia gandhi proxy mamta banerjee and helping her keep india divided and increasing the competitor for sonia gandhi's nominee prime minister.  

Wednesday 12 February 2014


The marked change in electioneering style from individual efforts to mass involvement through smart use of electronic media started in a large scale when congress in1984 hired advertising agencies to portray its party in a more appealing manner to lure the voters through propagation of its policies for the economically backward. No doubt the party at that time was riding a sympathy wave due to assassination of Indira Gandhi but Rajiv Gandhi an individual with modern ideas having less close confidents to carry out his ideas across the length and breadth of India wanted to do it with a fee and the results were outstanding. Though the elections were won because of thee issues, other political parties followed suite in subsequent elections. But the astonishing results achieved through electronic media was the Anna Hazare movement of 2011 for janlokpal bill where people appealed through television and cable network thronged Delhi and the agitation was a great success.
By now people of India specially the people having access to television are aware of this development though they still consider it as a gimmick. Depending on issues involved it will definitely influence the outcome ,in the instant case the elections 2014. Narendra Damodar Modi is an old player in this field,he has in past addressed NRIs in united states of America to persuade NRIs specifically NRIs from Gujarat to participate in Gujarat's growth through his good governance slogan which has succeeded. Now the purpose is different and the budget for this method is likely to be an issue with the election commission of India and the opponents as well.
One thing is sure the people of India are at a loss as the leaders of various parties who opt for this method of electioneering will never have such mass contact programs once the elections are over and  future elections may be fought in this manner only.    

Thursday 6 February 2014

Reservations in India-caste based social status to economic status .

Before the elections are declared political discussions for change in reservation criteria has become the talk in limited circles. whether or not the talks continue at least till elections the people will have idea on what lines politicians  think of reservations in various fields to bring about social and economic equilibrium in our society.

Social and economic disparity is not confined to India. It is there to be seen everywhere in the world and all the so called societies are shy of talking frankly or exploring seriously the possibility of eradicating this problem. India by raising this bogey albeit politically will do some good to mankind if ultimately at some stage economic criteria is considered for removal of social disparity.