Sunday 9 March 2014



India is a poor man's paradise because of the of the favourable geological climate bestowed upon it by nature.In india one can carry on without a cloth on his body which is not the case with many other habitations in the world. Unfortunately Indians are mocked at by others, including certain indians,for their half naked appearance despite national respect for the so called half naked GANDHI who moved half naked everywhere. He was at ease being half naked as many other Indians are. Modern spinning mills and sophisticated dressing sense is of recent origin say a couple of centuries like that of the invention of atom bomb a little more than half a century. The invention of spinning mill and the atom bomb empowered the west to prescribe decency and safety parameters in their own way for the rest of the world.Use of atomic power to control the world was short lived as atomic power was developed in a clandestine manner by many other nations and anti nationals leaving the super powers helpless against something which made them so powerful for a while but ultimately leading to the talk of CTBT.

In the meantime development of communication technology aided by mass education and mass media substituted threat by persuasion in maintaining world order by advanced countries who have on their own taken over the responsibility of maintaining the world order as per their choice .They do talk of people power,people empowerment and believe any work done for empowerment of people through persuasion is good for the society and for mankind.But it is deceitful. Media power can equally be misused like atomic power till such time the half naked men struggles for earning a living for himself and his family and to that extent the half naked indian is susceptible to the lure of luxury electronic media provides through well researched entertaining programs. There exists a possibility of the youth spending more time in media engagement than on other aspects of life.The media can be highly manipulative and unscrupulous media baron through hired literates can foot the bill like poets in court composing poems in praise of the hereditary monarchs irrespective of their competency.
Today every political party has a spokes person and/or media manager to keep the people informed of the future plans of the party for the welfare of the nation.Of late party interest is confused as national interest and the poor spokesperson is equally confused.further more the media baron being in media business is primarily a businessmen and at times deviates from the morality involved in business leaving himself exposed to manipulation by an entity other than that of a party spokes- person which absolves the party from such tactics and there are people readily available for such job for a fee either in cash or for an assurance of favour.The party spokes person had the responsibility of protecting the interest of the party and it's reputation as well but the outsourced agency is doing the job for a fee making it more independent in implementing the strategy with immunity.Mr.Digvijay singh then congress spokesperson concentrated on the issue of communalism full time which is  now shared by the congress president and the vice president as well.They, the congress stalwarts, could have wholly covered the issue of corruption despite 2G,3G,COAL GATE,DEFICIT IN GOVERNANCE and the like but keeping in tune with the modern trend of outsourcing they have successfully out sourced the highly specialised job of  condemnation of corruption and deficit in governance in gujarat.The outsourced agency is doing its job well with active manipulation through the media. Will the Indian voter be able to relish the media recipe. 

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